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Israel Holy Land Tour




Take a Soul-Refreshing Journey This Fall!
Living Waters Pilgrimage
Oct 15-18, 2024


Join The Rev. Susan Tiffany, associate rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Akron, and Randy Malick, director of faith formation, St. Hilary Catholic Church, Akron. Experience the power and majesty of God's Holy Spirit, the “Living Water” Jesus promised to his believers, as we venture by bus to the mighty Niagara Falls, through the nearby and breathtaking Our Lady of Victory National Shrine and Basilica and, in PA, St. Vincent Archabbey Basilica, the beauty of God’s creation with waterways and falls of Ohiopyle State Park, the awe-inspiring Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural feat, Falling Water, and at Shepherd’s Heart ministry in Pittsburgh, where God’s ever-flowing love like a mighty river is manifest to the homeless. All throughout we will enjoy learning about the Holy Spirit, how to draw nearer to him, hear his voice and allow his living water to pour through us to others!... Full Itinerary. 

Follow St. Paul on Pilgrimage “In His Footsteps”
In Greece and the Isles
May 3-12, 2025

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Join Rev. Susan Tiffany and Randy Malick on an exquisite adventure, following the inspiration of St. Paul the apostle to the lush landscape of Greece, to cities he himself visited while proclaiming the gospel with power. Enjoy magnificent cuisine. Take in the captivating beauty of the islands, Crete, where Paul visited as well as the famed city of Ephesus, of historic importance to Paul’s ministry to see the home of St. John and the Virgin Mary, charming and scenic Mykonos and Santorini, as well as Patmos to visit the cave where St. John wrote the book of Revelation. Space is very limited! Register today! Full Itinerary. 

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Explore with us the awesome wonder of "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Visit the land where God became flesh to save, heal and deliver humanity. Encounter Him in a whole new way as you walk where Jesus walked, pray where He prayed, and hear His words afresh on a life-changing, 11-day pilgrimage with the Rev. Susan Tiffany.

*If you would like to be informed when it is rescheduled, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page indicating that you would like to be added. Full itinerary.

Join Rev. Susan J. Tiffany on an Amazing
11-Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
This trip has been cancelled but will be rescheduled


Celebrate Pentecost Where It All Began:
With the Holy Spirit in the Holy Land

Catholic Charismatic Pilgrimage
This trip has been cancelled but will be rescheduled



Join renowned scripture scholar Dr. Mary Healy for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be where the Holy Spirit manifested himself with magnificent love and radiant glory to his Chosen People, in the conception, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and at Pentecost to his apostles! Experience the Fire of Love – that burned in their hearts – in YOURS, during the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem 2024! Mass celebrated daily at these holy sites! See the video below, but note the dates have changed due to COVID-19.

*If you would like to be informed when it is rescheduled, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page indicating that you would like to be added. Full itinerary. 



Come, step into the places where Jesus’ compassion prompted his mighty acts of healing and deliverance. Pray where Jesus prayed for healing for those you know who suffer similarly, and learn to pray like Jesus. Most importantly, draw nearer to the One who draws near to you, whose presence makes you whole. Experience his life and power in a whole new way!

Join Fr. Joshua Trefney for

Jesus the Healer - Holy Land Pilgrimage

Jan 4-13, 2023

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In addition to spending Sr. Faustina's Feast Day at the Shrine of Divine Mercy, encounter the expanse of God's love in the beauty of the Berkshire mountains of New England, during the height of the fall colors. Visit the museum of Fr. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. Be stirred by the witness of North American Martyrs at their shrine in New York. Pray with fellow pilgrims at these holy sites, relax at Ocean Beach, shop and enjoy fine dining.

Bus Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy
For St. Faustina's Feast Day! 
Oct 4-7, 2022


Join Us On a Journey to See Jesus
Through the Eyes of His Apostles

Holy Land Pilgrimage
February 12 - 21, 2020

Encounter Jesus anew, visiting places of great import in his life, from his birth in Bethlehem, to his upbringing in Nazareth, to his ministry in the Galilee, and to his passion, death, and resurrection in Jerusalem! Look at him through the eyes of his closest friends, the Apostles, who lived with him, were apprenticed to him, saw him work mighty miracles and witnessed his ultimate victory over the grave!  We will never be one of the 12, but Jesus does call each of us by name to be the “13th Apostle”. Come, follow him with Fr. Matt Jordan, parochial vicar of St. Hilary, in the Holy Land!



“Life-changing! I will never view scriptures the same again!” 


—  Nick

Incredible Journey Inspiring Tours




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