Proposed Itinerary ​
Pentecost Pilgrimage: Holy Spirit in the Holy Land
with Dr. Mary Healy
May 11-20, 2024
(English-Speaking Tour)
Sea of Galilee
NOTE: This trip has been cancelled but will be rescheduled
Day 1 - Departure flight to Tel Aviv.
Day 2 - Arrive at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Take tour bus to hotel for dinner, Mass, and Meet and Greet.
Day 3 - Go to Mt. Carmel for a breathtaking view of the Jezreel Valley, with Biblical villages of the Galilee dotting the landscape, flanked by the Mediterranean Sea. Travel to Nazareth. Visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, homes of Joseph and Mary, and newly uncovered childhood home of Jesus. Then go to Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle changing water into wine at a wedding.
Day 4 - Relax on the beautiful Sea of Galilee with a ride in a fisherman‘s boat. Visit the Boat Museum housing a fisherman's boat from the time of Jesus. Go to Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, Primacy of Peter where Jesus ate breakfast on the seashore with his disciples after the Resurrection, then Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount. Explore the center of Jesus' ministry, Capernaum - the Synagogue where Jesus taught, and Peter’s House where Jesus lived. End the day with a celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation.
Day 5 -Visit Magdala, the hometown of Mary Magdalen, with one of the most important archaeological finds in Israel of the last 50 years, Bethsaida, where five of the apostles grew up, and end at Mt Tabor, traditional site of Jesus' Transfiguration.
Day 6 -Travel to Shiloh, the first resting place of the Ark of the Covenant after the 40 years of desert wanderings, down to the Jordan River, the site of Jesus’ baptism, Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and to an overlook of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Day 7 - Onto the Judean hills to Ein Kerem, John the Baptist's hometown, and Church of the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth. Onto Bethlehem, Jesus' birthplace at Church of the Nativity, the Milk Grotto, and adjoining Shepherds Hill, where David was born and tended his flocks and the angels announced the birth of Jesus.
Day 8 - Visit Mt of Olives and walk the Palm Sunday Path Jesus took into Jerusalem for his Triumphal Entry; then to his place of agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Enter the Old City through the Lion's Gate to St. Anne's, the childhood home of Mary, The Pools of Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame man, follow the Passion of Jesus through the Via Delarosa to the Church of Holy Sepulcher housing Golgotha and the newly renovated Resurrection Chapel.
Day 9 - Pentecost Sunday begin at Abu Gosh where the Ark of the Covenant was stored before King David brought it to its permanent residence in Jerusalem and traditional site of Emmaus, where Jesus met the disciples after the Resurrection and revealed Himself "in the breaking of the bread", then to the Upper Room where Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Last Supper and the Spirit birthed the Church at Pentecost. Go to the Temple in Jerusalem where Jesus was presented as an infant, found at age 12 and taught as an adult. Explore the excavated Southern Steps that Jesus and his disciples used to walk into the Temple. Spend time in prayer at the Western (Wailing) Wall, and enjoy a Celebration Meal before heading to the airport.
Day 10 - Return home.
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Please note: This Itinerary is subject to change based on circumstances at the time.